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VIDEO: 45 Compelling Compass Tattoos

We all know what compasses used to be used for. Obviously, their use isn’t as big nowadays as we have modern things like GPS that help us navigate through the world. Despite the use of compasses being at an all time low, we see the height of compass tattoos at an all time high. For some people we talk to, they mention that their compass tattoo means that they’re coming back to a place they once loved (whether they studied abroad, found love in someone they once broke up with, or more). For others, the meaning is much less “deep”. It’s hard to say what else compass tattoos can resemble.

If any of you are willing to let us know what these tattoos mean to YOU, feel free to let us know and we’ll add your description to our post. Ourselves, we’re trying to find out what these tattoos mean. Obviously they could show that you’re more of a free spirit as well, but we aren’t totally sure. We just know that they can look totally awesome, and we’re looking forward to showcasing 45 compelling compass tattoos with you guys. If you enjoy the post, please share it via social media or leave a comment below! Thanks so much for checking out our site.


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