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6 Enticing Lotus Flower Tattoos

The lotus flower is a thing of beauty, shining bright as a beautiful symbol of personal growth. Lotus flowers are bright pink and deep red, however many choose to have them inked in grayscale if pink or red is not appropriate. Their gradually opening flower is truly something to behold, and they go well with other tattoos.

Flowers are a popular choice of design for tattoos, and a lotus flower tattoo design is particularly eye-catching. The beauty of a lotus flower tattoo design is that it will look amazing in practically any location on the body, and can be as big or as small as you want it. From a huge lotus flower back tattoo, to a small design on the inner wrist, these tattoos make beautiful and meaningful additions to any body art. They also suit bright, bold colors as well as simple black and gray, so you can fit a lotus flower tattoo in with whatever theme or personal taste you prefer.

A lotus flower tattoo is not just a design that’s attractive to look at, as in addition the lotus flower has a deeply spiritual meaning.  It’s an important symbol in Buddhism, and represents enlightenment, purification and faith, as in nature the lotus flower blooms from the depths of muddy waters, and the stage that the lotus flower is at in terms of growth represents the Buddhist’s level of enlightenment. The color of the lotus flower is also important in the Buddhist religion, so why not try a design in one of these colors?


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